Sep 4: injesuschrististand.blogspot.com
Aug 28: Turkey Intensifies Airstrikes Against U.S. Backed Kurds, Philippines Threaten 'Bloody Confrontation' With China
Aug 21: Watchman on the Wall
Aug 14: Sleepwalking into World War 3?
Aug 7: Are You Ready?
Jul 31: Incredible Evidence of Dead Sea Coming to Life as Foretold in Ezekiel 47:9
Jul 24: Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog
Jul 17: Terror Attack in Nice, France and How it is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy
Jul 10: Prophecy Update
Jul 3: Watchman on the Wall
Jun 26: Brexit is proof that Trump will be the next president
Jun 19: Prophecy Update
Jun 12: Signposts of the Times
Jun 5: As France and the European Union Have Done to Israel
May 29: Franklin Graham Makes Prophetic Call for Daniels to Arise
May 15: Franklin Graham: Is the Handwriting on the Wall for America?
May 8: More And More People Are Opting For Microchip Implants In The Back Of Their Hands
May 1: As UN Rejects Israel's Claim To Golan Heights, Top Rabbis Await The Messiah's Imminent Arrival
Apr 24: World Awaits Catastrophic Earthquake
Apr 17: propheticwitnessmovementnewportbranch
Apr 10: Now The End Begins
Apr 3: Courageous Caitie
Mar 27: Nemesis – Planet X / Nibiru and seven signs the end is near
Mar 20: Nuclear War With North Korea Coming?
Mar 13: The Flat Earth Controversy
Mar 6: Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando
Feb 28: Assurance of salvation: When Prince meets Kong Hee
Feb 21: Church is not a physical building, but an Ekklesia.
Feb 14: Eschatology Today
Feb 7: God’s The Flat Earth Controversy From A Biblical Worldview
Jan 31: God’s Final Judgment on the Nations
Jan 24: World faces wave of epic debt defaults, fears central bank veteran
Jan 17: Economic Collapse Happening Now-Rob Kirby
Jan 10: Saying Yes To The Lord
Jan 3: Five Trends That Will Change The World in 2016
/ 2014 / 2015

"Praise the Lord! All Glory to God! I am so encouraged to know that there are people out there reading my blog, which is really God's blog because I've dedicated to Him. Thanks Cyberanger, I am humbled to receive this award." - - bunnyexpress
"Thank your for the recognition. It helps to know that my blog is being read and appreciated for its mission and content. I want the blog to be a blessing to the saints who are in Christ Jesus."
-- Jerry Teets
"I am astonished I was awarded the Best Christian Blog of the Week. Thank you for the encouragement." - - Annette
"It took me by surprise to be awarded. I am really happy and honoured to share the Good News around. To HIM our Lord our God shall be the glory." - - eLLis
"This is a great encouragement for me as I am rather new to blogging and was wondering if anyone was actually reading my blog posts. " - - Paul Spencer
"Thank you Cyberanger for awarding my blog entry Christian blog of the week for May 3. What an encouragement! & Thank you Abba Father. Would your name spread far and wide, and may your glory fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. " - - eds
+ "All glory to Jesus and the great work He does in our lives and those of the children. This award is dedicated to Him first and foremost, to my hubby who is my dear prayer partner, and also to my little son, whom I hope will be encouraged to always abide in Christ." - - Daughter Of Sarah
+ "This is really nice, totally undeserved and an awesome blessing" - - Dan Bowen
+ "I am very honoured to be awarded the 'Best Christian Blog of the Week' for Jan 4 2009~All glory is given to God above,who is my pillar of strength through difficult times" - - Carolyn Koh
+ "I believe that our Abba Father wants me to know that I should continue to stand firm in what I have faith in and I am on the right track." -- Pebbles
+ "I appreciate the time and attention that Cyberanger takes to make his choice. I'm sure it's difficult given the excellent quality of the blogs listed on his sidebar." - - Aida
+ "I am happy to receive the award and I am also happy that this web site does this. It gives encouragement to those who have a Christian blog and gives affirmation that they are doing God's will. " - - Christopher
+ "Thank you for your recognition and most of all, Our Lord Jesus Himself affirms and recognizes the preaching of His grace. By His grace, I am honored to receive this award." -- Alan Hiu
+ "Very honoured to be rated “Best Christian Blog of the Week” by CybeRanger. This came as a little encouragement as a lot of things are going on right now in my life" - - King David
+ "Wow. All glory to God always. Thanks for the award Cyberanger. It came as a very blessed surprise. Very humbled and feeling undeserving of the award really. " - - As The Deer
+ "I take this as the LORD affirming me to continue to declare the great and mighty deeds He has done in my life. This award could not have come at a more appropriate time. Thanks be to God! Hallelujah! It has motivated me to carry on and blog for the glory of Jesus!" - - Malcolm Loh
+ "All glory be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this honor really belongs to Him and Him alone." - - Andrew Lee